Tonsillitis :
Tonsillitis is nothing but the inflammation of the tonsils. This may due to a bacteria infection, or germ, which in some instances responds to treatment with antibiotics. Signs of strep throat and tonsillitis are often alike.
Signs and symptoms :
Pain while swallowing, Sensation of chill and presence of fever, Tonsils are engorged, enlarged and inflamed like Small balls, Enlarged, tender glands (lymph nodes) in the jaw and neck, In Acute state, they also discharge purulent fluid, Tone and rhythm of respiration is affected, Headache, Nasal congestion and runny nose & Severe sore throat.
Herbal Treatment:
# Drinking limewater is very effective in giving some rest to the sore throat. If you wish you can add some honey and pinch of salt to the lemon water in order to increase its taste. Drink this lemon water slowly so that it remains in the mouth for some time before going in your stomach.
# Include plenty of nuts, vegetables, fruits, grains and seeds in your diet from the third day onwards.
# Milk is very effective in the treatment of tonsillitis. In one glass of warm milk add pinch of turmeric powder and pinch of pepper powder and drink it before going to bed in the nighttime. This will give relief from the body pain and reduce the inflammation of the tonsils too.
# Cucumber juice, carrots juice and beetroot juice are all very effective in giving cure from tonsillitis. You can either have them separately or mix then and have them. Take 300 ml of carrot juice and add about 100 ml of both cucumber juice and beet juice and drink it.
# Add two tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in water and boil this solution for about thirty minutes. Put off the gas and allow it to cool off. You can use this solution for gargling. Everyday prepare fresh gargling solution using the above method. This is one of the very effective home remedies for tonsillitis.
# Add some of the banafsha flowers in milk and boil them for some time. Filter this after cooling and drink it. This will give you relief from the inflamed tonsils. Or you can also apply this mixture over the throat during nighttime. For doing this first put this above made mixture in a pan containing clarified butter and mix it well. Then apply thin layer of this mixture over the throat and clean it next day.
# Your diet should be simple and should not include fried and salty food. Avoid outside food completely. Smoking and drinking alcohol is also not allowed. You can go on a liquid diet for first three days after getting the infection. During these three days have only water and orange juice.