2. Onion Juice: Fry some onion slices in ghee and then crush them to make poultice from them. Apply this directly over the injured body part and then tie a clean cotton bandage over it.
3.Kerosene: If while doing your kitchen work you accidentally injure your finger and it starts bleeding then kerosene will help you here. To heal the wound tie a piece of cloth dipped in kerosene over the injured finger. Keep on sprinkling kerosene over this cloth so as to keep it moist. The kerosene will stop the bleeding and will also heal the wound fast.
4.Holy Basil Leaves: Crush the fresh holy basil leaves and make a poultice from them. Apply this over the injured body part and cover it with bandage. This will cure the injury fast.
5.Alum: To stop the bleeding form the injured body part alum is very useful. Crush alum pieces and apply them on the injured part. Barbers mostly use this remedy when they accidentally cause any injury to their customers.
6.Betel Leaves: These leaves are very useful in treating the injuries. The paste made from the fresh betel leaves should be applied on the injured body part and then the injured part should be covered with bandage. One clean leaf of betel plant is also effective in healing the injury. Place this one single leaf over the injured finger and tie it with cloth bandage.