বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৭ ডিসেম্বর, ২০০৯

Tips of baby's teeth care:
Start cleaning your child's mouth even before her teeth come in. Wipe the gums off after each feeding with a warm, wet washcloth or a dampened piece of gauze wrapped around your finger.

Baby’s first teeth preserve the spacing for the permanent ones and help baby chew and talk. If they're not cared for properly the can decay, leading to a gum infection called gingivitis, which can affect the spacing of permanent teeth.

The first signs of cavities in baby teeth are discoloration and minor pitting. Putting baby to bed with a bottle of milk (or juice) is notorious for causing cavities. Don't leave your infant with a bottle for long periods of time, especially if you notice he's no longer feeding and is just using the bottle for comfort.

Most infant foods easily wash off baby's teeth with just a drink of water after meals. But it's good to introduce a toothbrush as soon as possible, so baby can get used to having it in his mouth. You probably won't need to use the brush to actually clean baby's teeth until he's eating only table foods, at around 18 months. However, you'll want to gently clean your child's teeth with a toothbrush or thimblelike cleaner and some bicarbonate of soda if your toddler has eaten sticky, sugary foods.

Begin using a pea-size amount of nonfluoride toothpaste once baby is about age 2. Wait until at least age 3, when your child is old enough not to swallow the toothpaste, before introducing the fluoride kind.

Even though your baby isn't using a fluoride toothpaste, he should get enough fluoride -- important for preventing tooth decay -- from drinking tap water. Most communal water supplies have it added just for this beneficial purpose. Ask your doctor about fluoride supplements baby can take once he's 6 months old if your tap water is not fluoridated or your child doesn't drink any tap water.

The American Dental Association recommends that baby get his first dental exam at age 1, but most pediatricians agree that the first visit can wait until age 3, as long as you practice good home care.

If you take good care of this first set of pearly whites, you can establish good dental habits for years to come.

Tips for your teeth care.
All of the many dental care products on the market are useless if they are not used the correct way. That is why it is important to know how to properly care for your teeth.
You should select toothpaste that caters to the needs of your teeth. For instance, if you have some tooth discoloration, you may want to select whitening toothpaste. If you have bad breath, you may want to select toothpaste that claims to freshen breath as it cleans. If you have sensitive teeth that respond to hot and cold temperatures or sweet and sour foods, you may want to select toothpaste that is specifically made for sensitive teeth.
Toothpaste is used to enhance the dental care experience by providing a tasty paste that goes on teeth and chemicals that can prevent plaque and cavities. Most experts recommend that the most effective toothpastes have fluoride in them. However, many people have begun to use natural toothpastes in order to avoid any negative effects from the long-term use of the chemicals found in toothpaste.
As far as toothbrushes go, most experts recommend that consumers use a toothbrush with soft bristles. Soft bristles stimulate the gums. On the other hand, medium or hard bristles may damage the gum line over time.
In order to keep a toothbrush clean and free of bacteria, you may want to purchase a toothbrush sterilizer. A toothbrush sterilizer can get rid of up to 99% of germs that may linger on toothbrush bristles after use.
Since people often get colds or the flu, toothbrush bristles can be susceptible to bacteria and germs. A toothbrush sterilizer may make you feel safer around your toothbrush. Most toothbrushes are put away wet, and the moist environment provides a healthy breeding ground for all kinds of unhealthy things. Some toothbrush sterilizers use the same cleaning technology that hospitals use. Using a UV lamp, the toothbrush sterilizer claims to get rid of harmful germs that attach themselves to the toothbrush bristles.

With the correct combination of toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss, you are on you way to causing your pearly whites to last a lifetime. Be sure to brush twice a day with a back and forth motion. Do not forget to brush the gums and the back teeth. You should brush your teeth for a minimum of two minutes every time you brush.

When flossing, remember to take your time and move the floss underneath and in between each tooth. After you have finished flossing all of the teeth in your mouth, floss all of your teeth one more time to make sure you got every piece of food out. If you use the above methods and choose your products wisely, proper dental care will be the easiest part of your day.

Some tips for teeth whitening:
Do not take sugary foods in any form. Chocolates are also not good. If you do consume such foods, never forget to wash your mouth thoroughly with strong gargles so as not to leave any sweet residue in the mouth. Do not take excess tea and coffee. These beverages contain strong alkaloids which can stain the teeth. Smoking also makes the teeth lose the white coloration of the teeth. Paan is also disastrous to the whiteness of the teeth. Include pungent, bitter and astringent foods in your daily diet. These tastes have an astringent effect on the teeth that helps to maintain them clean. They also take care of the excess buildup of plaque on the teeth, which makes them lose their pearly white color. Brush your teeth after every meal, or at least in the morning and before going to bed. While brushing your teeth, take care to sweep out all the embedded food particles. Excess consumption of antibiotics is also harmful for teeth and gives a stain.Eat guava, apple, sprouts, carrot, sugarcane, and cucumber fruits to prevent yellowing of teeth. Drink lots of water as this makes your skin hydrated and removes plaques from your teeth. Include green and fibrous vegetables in your diet to keep your teeth white and bacteria free.

All content here, including advice from doctors and other health professionals.

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